Saturday, January 1, 2011

Some Yahoo Comments Re Unions

"I grew up in Dayton, Ohio and received an engineering degree from Wright State Univ. My grandfather, a belly gunner in B-17s, worked at GM after WWII. He said the unions would kill GM. 35 years later, the unions finally broke the giant's back."

"The biggest thing is the union leadership. They priced themselves out of the jobs, they say they were fighting for. All they were really doing was lineing their pockets. New Orleans had a Mayor and a Governor, who couldn't handle the emergency. Not to mention the crime rate. lets also look at the politics. Progressive liberals. Whether they were an R or a D, doesn't matter. But it is a good chance they were the Ds, if I have to narrow it down. The tax rates are high. Trying to make entitlements, into rights, does not work. No to mention the regulations, and the threats of more regulations, it is not sustainable. These towns, and others not listed, like the whole State of CA are visable witnesses to that fact."

"The average Joe doesn't realize how much the unions have to do with killing businesses and making the business environment so unprofitable and hostile, so much so that businesses move out of state and worse, move their manufacturing overseas.

Unions are the polar opposite of job creation, business profits and business growth. Unions are legal MAFIA...they contribute nothing but skim off money under the guise of "dues." They strangle and interfere with business pretending to "protect" the if workers need protection nowadays with the loads of local, state and federal laws that actually protect the worker.

Unions are a dinosaur nowadays and should be outlawed. They have served their purpose in history, but today are way more detrimental than beneficial. They are a cancer and must be controlled and wiped out for the US again to become a manufacturing giant...and for JOB CREATION!!!"

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