I just got my annual health insurance increase notice from Health Net (who seems to be a good company). It went up +21.16% (not surprising at all compared to prior year's hikes), due to, Health Net says, increased use of new medical technologies, higher prescription drug costs, AND, get this, due to pressure on health insurance plans and the private sector to absorb higher costs, as funding DECREASES for public programs like Medicare and Medicaid (I thought the Feds ramped this up, weird).
Now, here's more bad news related to ObamaCare. If I change my plan to save money I will lose my plan's current grandfather status, AND, the new plan will probably experience substantial (they say "could go up," is there any doubt?) rate hikes due to additional benefits mandated by federal health care reform! Wonderful ObamaCare, which was supposed to at least partially reform some of the cost aspect of the health care system.
There's now zero doubt in my mind (was very close to zero anyway) that ObamaCare will be an unmitigated disaster. Insurance rates will skyrocket EVEN more than they are now, which is already a disaster. Truth is stranger than fiction. That's all for now. Ciao